đŸ’ĩ$CHOO Revenue

Chooky Revenue

The tax on each buy is 4%, this will be refunded to your wallet automatically if you buy using a referral link from the Raider NFTs. The 4% tax goes 2% to Marketing and 2% Buyback and Burn, buying from the supply and burning will be used strategically and in line with marketing. The sales tax is 6% marketing and 2 % buy-back and burn. Our taxes will be lowered with each batch of NFTs that are sold. Eventually the tax will be 0% which will benefit our exchange listings.

We see Uniswap as a start-up platform; you are investing in our vision; long-term we want to switch to a revenue model from the Music NFT Marketplace rather than from token taxes. We recognise for future growth it will be beneficial for the native token to remove taxes; as this will be a requirement for bigger exchange listings. See the starting tax as a means to establish the token; long-term the real value is getting our name out there to the masses; and having our brand develop and evolve into the number one Music NFT Marketplace.

We also have taxes in our purchase of NFTs which go towards the team, artist and buy-back and burn. This is for resale on Opensea and funds from initial minting go to the team, artist and marketing and rewards.

4% Buy Tax

8% Sell Tax

Last updated