🎊Anime Production DAO

$CHOO Anime

The Anime industry

Anime, which has strong roots in Japanese animation, is an industry worth an estimated $24.8 billion (USD). With a big popularity in Asian countries such as China and Japan, and also overseas such as the USA and Europe. There are extensive anime merchandise and cosplay, conventions, online series and social media presence. There is production of series by leading names such as Netflix, Studio Ghibi, Madhouse, Kyoto animation and others. There have been independent series featuring on Youtube and other social media. Overall the brand-reach potential is huge, we can help further solidify the bridge between, cryptocurrency and NFTs brands and the anime industry.

What is the Anime DAO?

The team have already began thinking of concept and ideas for the series, but we want input and direction from our Anime NFT holder DAO. A decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), sometimes called a decentralised autonomous corporation, is controlled by the organisation's members. This will take place in the DAO Discord discussion Group which you will require an β€œAnima NFT” to enter. Inside the group the creative direction and input will be discussed.

Enki is our art director and we have reached out to several production teams for consultation and production costs, scoping the initial requirements of the project such as timescales and delivery targets. This will be done through a process of feedback and input into the series from the DAO; who will appear in the credits for the series.

Initially, there will be 10 episodes which focus on the cryptocurrency world, especially meme tokens and metaverse. There are opportunities for partners with Chooky to be involved, for instance our Metaverse partners.

Anime Animation Partners

Volt Inu

Volt Inu Socials: Website - Telegram - Twitter


SquidGrow Socials: Website - Telegram - Twitter

Kabosu Inu

Kobosu Inu Socials: Website - Telegram - Twitter

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